- Cékoi the portaport?
- The door to door, these are beautiful evenings when Mr. Krizambert invites himself to cool its neighbors with some artists for a show impromptu home.
- Oh yes! As in past years with Theresa, Mr. Mush 'Mareva and Lucien, Roland and Patrick BROU COUTON.
- That's exactly it.
- Cekan And the next?
- Mr. Krizambert remains elusive. He however suggested that May 24, it could accommodate a mime in one of these good friends, Petit Mars, in the subdivision of Lower Vigneau.
- Cool! yen nora dot?
- At least three others: early July, late August, in the fall.
- This serakoi?
- Hard to predict. There are a few clues. Recently, he developed a passion for improv games. Finally, he told us the other night that the village children would eventually tire of his stories. He said they need new blood.
- So the story for children, games of improvisation ... No songs?
- Hey there! I have not said anything, they are rumors ... Back on the blog in a few days if you want fresh news.
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