Sunday, April 8, 2007

Sanding Plastic Nerf Gun

It is confirmed, May 24, now it's on.

- Keski skonfirme?
- The show with the locals.
- Cékoi?
- Make an effort, remember. Mr. Krizambert would receive a mime of his friends in Lower Vigneau in Petit-Mars.
- Ah yes inmim.
- Well, last night Krizambert Thierry Fischer phoned to ask him if he agreed to receive Fabrice EVENO, Thursday, May 24
- And then?
- It is agreed and recalled Krizambert Fabrice EVENO to confirm.
- Keskifont Fabrice and Veno?
- IT'S A Mr. Mime, I'll hear about it soon but I've already brought pictures. Meanwhile reserve your evening.

Thursday, May 24, Chez family FISCHER, 6 r Pervenches 44390 Petit Mars
Reservations: 02 40 72 79 63 or


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