Sunday, December 10, 2006

Gator Birthday Party Wording


mandatory annual negotiations ACT AUROUX




During the various meetings for discussion and negotiation between the Branch DARTY Provence Mediterranean and the unions representing the company, it was recalled that in accordance with the commitments of the Directorate over the NAO in 2005, an agreement on compensation trades service technicians has been negotiated and signed at the beginning of the year 2006.
Under the NAO 2006, an agreement on the classifications and salaries of trades Seller was negotiated and signed and is subject to an enterprise agreement separate from the agreement on the NAO 2006.
Similarly, a company agreement on the establishment of the annual fee in days for supervisors Darty Provence Mediterranean
Trade unions have noted with satisfaction that the Department had fulfilled its commitment to achieving the mandatory annual negotiations for 2006 as early as February 2006
Contents agreement
on mandatory annual negotiations

The mandatory annual negotiations DARTY Provence Mediterranean for 2006 were held on February 6, March 13, March 20 and April 10, 2006. The minutes were signed on April 10, 2006.
During the various meetings, the unions and company management have expressed their demands, expectations and made their proposals. During the meeting of February 6, 2006 has been set the timetable for negotiation and the various documents provided by management to unions. Meetings 13 March 20 March 10 April and 27 April 2006 have led to significant progress in negotiating and reconciling the views and interests.
This preamble does not take into account comments made by current members of the section FORCE WORKING CFTC at the time.
We consider that no progress has occurred.
Instead we face a very large cuts in social services.

Section 1: Summary of measures that will occur in 2006 salary
Under the NAO in 2006, he was recalled measures of wage order that will directly impact the salaries of employees and therefore payroll DARTY Provence Mediterranean.

: Old Slip Technicality is the evolution of automatic payroll directly or not directly related to changes in the classification grid.
In the old play a role:
one hand the evolution of longevity pay:
Number of employees by seniority from 3 to 15 years
Evolution of conventional minimum wage has increased in January 2006 and will thus impacting seniority pay the entire tax year

In the technical part, it is a part of the automatic level changes due to the classification tables (after 6 months or 1 year depending on trades) and other developments related to level strictly increasing competence and sophistication of the employees concerned.
These developments have a direct impact on base pay and variable annuities (and hence the average wage) but also on the PFA. These changes of level for employees with at least three years' cause, effect induced by a rebound on the seniority premium and revaluation
view of enterprise agreements covering trades technician and seller coming expand and upgrade the classification grids and base salaries, the GVT-2006 is estimated at 0.35% of total payroll.
B - Integration complement wage differential:
For the record, the additional pay differential was intended to apply to employees where the implementation of agreements on shorter working week would have resulted in a decrease in their working time contract. In accordance with agreements signed in 2002, the additional differential pay, to compensate for the loss of basic pay due to the passage of 39 h to 35 h was to maintain the hourly rate. It was built gradually over 4 years at 25% per year in base salary as of June 2003.

Accordingly for the year 2006 and for the last time, this integration will be dated June 1, for all employees and supervisors EOT. This integration of CDS corresponds to an increase in base salary of 2.63% for all employees EOT and AM whose compensation did not include the CDS.
This integration of CDS for 63% of employees EOT:
40% 65% 75% administrative
45% of deliverymen
It corresponds to a cost of 220 KE for the company. The reinstatement of the CDS corresponds precisely to a revaluation of the average base salaries of 1.50% and a change in payroll of 0.93% (SB = 62% of average earnings including with the classification grid of the art technician)

C - Adjustment of the variable premium deliverymen West: According
the fee agreement on the logistics signed in February 2005, the premium variable maximum deliverymen West has been increased from 1 February 2006 from 450 euros to 600 euros.
This is just catching up with the gap between East and West. One also wonders what those variables? Maps T is unverifiable.

D - Adjustment of supplementary payments in recent years:
It was also noted large increases in recent years, the meal ticket (+ 8% last 3 years), premiums on Sunday (between + 35 and + 50% over 3 years depending on the business), premium inventory (+25% in 3 years) and all basic wages administrative occupations (+ 11% over 3 years), deliverymen and technicians with their direct impact on the PFA.

E - Increase in average wages:
It was stated that average wages rose by 5 to 7% between 2003 and 2005, according to the trades. These increases are the result of various negotiations (NAO classifications or grids) that led to the signing of agreements undertaken during Last 4 years.
complacency of the Directorate who tells what she wants. On the field the majority of employees do not feel this so-called increase .

F - End of Year Award:
Finally, the implementation of the PFA in 2002, sitting on the base salary for all professions involved in the West as well as strong revaluations base salaries since then have also impacted, very significantly, by upgrading the payroll because of the salaries of all employees.

Article 2: Matrix classification and compensation
It was recalled that in accordance with the commitments of the Directorate over the NAO in 2005, an agreement on compensation of trades technicians has been negotiated between June and December 2005 and signed on During the month of January 2006. It was implemented in February 2006. This allowed the adjustment of salaries by creating the conditions for real convergence and harmonization between East and West of the subsidiary.
In this context, the job of the technician adjusted by the agreement is not affected by the negotiations Annual 2006.
Similarly, it was agreed that the negotiation on trade vendors was conducted during 2006 and the NAO is subject to an enterprise agreement separate from the agreement of the NAO.

Article 3: Adjustment of the base salaries of administrative and customer service POS
It was negotiated during the NAO 2006, with the representative trade unions within DARTY Provence Mediterranean, the evolution of pay scales base. It was agreed that changes to the basic wage as defined below will be effective 1 June 2006 and after reinstatement the CDS.

Article 4: Accessories salary:

1 - Remuneration for time inventory:
In the event that major parts and accessories inventories would continue or come back on Thursday evening and Saturday evening, remuneration of the inventory would be maintained at high of 12.50 euros per hour.
If the company decided to make all or part of the inventory during the week and on Monday morning for example to improve the working conditions of employees and to avoid encroaching on Saturday evening, it is agreed that hours worked Monday morning would be charged on the actual working time and fall within the framework of the tasks covered by the basic wage. These hours, accordingly, would not be paid in hours of inventory at a rate of 12.50 euros. The parties agree that the remuneration of the inventory at a rate of 12.50 euros aims to come up hours performed exceptionally in the evening after a day's work. The willingness of the business and labor organizations is clearly to improve working conditions and avoid the inventory is done on Saturday night, evening usually spent with family and friends. The organization of part of the inventory on Monday morning and will meet this justification no longer comes as a result, the maintenance of payment of compensation.
Thanks to the signing of the CFDT, CAT, CGT, FOR and delegate today, thank you god, landed FW and now a member of CAT, employees have the right to work free for the inventory. Thank you to them! The team of the new FORCE WORKING regrets that these organizations sign such cloths.

2 - Luncheon Vouchers:
As of 1 June 2006, the face value of the check will be reassessed breakfast at 6 euros, which represents an increase of + 1.70%. The lunch check is supported by 50% and 50% of the company by the employee.
With 6 euros you will not grow. DARTY think of your line! Thank you boss

3 - Bonus Ending Year
Under the NAO 2006, the unions have sought to improve the conditions for granting the premium New Year by incorporating some of the variable directly related activity. The text below sets out the arrangements for allocating and calculating the premium New Year Darty Provence Mediterranean. It was agreed that these arrangements will come into effect for the PFA award in December 2006. The terms

be eligible for the bonus year end, all employees under permanent or fixed-term contracts that have a minimum length of 12 consecutive months of employment to December 1 (November 30 to present the year N-1) and are present in the actual paid to date of payment of the premium.
are not eligible executives, sales managers, contracts qualification and apprenticeship contracts.
Why exclude these categories of staff?

The PFA is sitting on the elements of remuneration: base salary
15% of the variable directly related to the activity of the employee as well as back-pay associated with this activity: what is variable the definition given by the management control of the company. Excluded
particular, in defining the variable directly related to operations:
seniority premiums
Premiums Premiums exceptional
premiums inventory
The vacation pay and sick
Offsets AT
Other compensation,
It was agreed that the variable considered is the average variables associated with the activity of December of year N-1 in November of year N
It varies between 80% and 100% of this attitude based on the achievement of the goal or not . The objective
centered (100% of the PFA) is the budget result before tax of the Company. To determine the variation between 80 and 100%, states that the reduction of the PFA is performed as follows: each point below the budget outcome results in a decrease of 2 point of the PFA. So if the budget outturn is 99% of the budget, the PFA will be paid up to 98%.
THE PFA is undervalued based on the number of days of absence taken by the employee since the beginning of the year. Settlement takes place in calendar days (7 days a week) at the following rates:
between 0 and 15 days of absence: 100% (of total final)
between 16 and 20 days of absence: 75% ( the final total amount) between
21 and 30 days of absence: 50% (of total final)
between 31 and 40 days of absence: 25% (of total final)
after 41 days of absence: 0
Woe to him who has a health problem!

Do not count as absences:

workplace accidents
disease when inpatient hospitalization is at least 3 days (including mandatory two consecutive nights in hospital)
motherhood and paternity leave
disease before and / or after maternity when it is contiguous to the pre-natal leave and one month after the postnatal leave. In other cases, the disease will be recorded normally
The therapeutic half-time for part-time in mid sickness absence is not considered up minus the disease. The employee will be considered half-time and PFA will be paid in proportion to the contract schedule.
Leaves conventional
It was agreed that, in cases defined above, no exceptions will be made.
4 - Update on delivery:
are reminded that the delivery of our clients is done in a niche 2 hours. This segment aims to facilitate the organization of tours. In this context, it is not allowed to define niches within niches of these two hours.
response to a request to pay delivery drivers on the T card not on the slippery quarter (with a minimum of 60 cards) but on the monthly (with a minimum of 20 cards), and given the risk of changes compensation, it was agreed that trade unions will tour the delivery platform to validate with the employees of the shared will of the request or not. In case of positive reaction, the calculation of compensation will from 1 July 2006 on the monthly payroll for the previous month. In this threshold of 20 cards, the calculation will be rolling in the quarter.
BlaBla it is shameful to pay employees based on some charts T.
5 - Date of NAO 2007:
It was agreed that the NAO for the year 2007 will be conducted from February 2007.
Given the common will of convergence within the Mediterranean between Provence DARTY the East Zone and West Zone, unions and management agree to not to negotiate or implement practices, agreements or interpretations in the various activity centers.
Any request for interpretation must be made either directly with the Human Resources Director, or at a works committee, either through a written request at a meeting of delegates of the personnel area, either during Interpretation of a meeting of the signatories

Made in Marseille, as many copies as required by law and there are parties

April 27, 2006

For DARTY Provence Mediterranean
The Human Resources Director Mr.


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