Saturday, May 13, 2006

Community Service Verification Letter Sample

Corporate agreement on classifications and salaries in the art of Vendor Points of Sale - Status EOT


Between the undersigned,

Darty Provence Mediterranean Society, represented by Mr. xx, as Director of Human Resources

On the one hand, and

The CFTC union represented by Mrs represented by the union CFDT
The union represented by Mr. TF CAT The union represented by Mr.
The CGT union represented by Mr. Le GSC represented by Mr.


Branch DARTY Provence Mediterranean and unions undersigned, wish to negotiate and sign a company agreement on the classifications and salaries of Seller's business status EOT.

This Agreement is to define for each trade involved:

A) A schedule detailing the classification levels and levels thereto.
B) The levels of fixed remuneration,
C) variable pay elements

accordance with legal and conventional material, It is understood that the minimum wage DARTY PROVENCE MEDITERRANEAN by level and step is the gross monthly salary below which no employee will be paid unless the employment contract provided for particular texts in force. Each month, the gross salary as defined below will be compared with the minimum wage and minimum wage conventional, the more favorable for the employee

In accordance with the Collective Agreement applicable to the company and in particular its Article 17-2 are included in the minimum wage in DARTY Provence Mediterranean by level and step, all bonuses and salary elements excluding amounts set out below:

· The overtime pay
· The seniority bonus
° the surcharges for hazardous work
· The premiums and bonuses exceptional
· The payments under the legislation on profit sharing and participation not having to pay
The sums constituting reimbursement of expenses that do not support the assessment, under the legislation of social security

Accordingly, and as is in force since the creation of the company, include included in the gross wage as a basis for comparison with the minimum wage: the wage base (also called fixed salary), variable annuities monthly, quarterly, semiannual and annual back-pay, the additional allowance paid leave, ... etc. The grid

minimum wage level and step is defined in accordance with the Collective Agreement and is adjusted to each rider thereof.

The Agreement on International Business and remuneration of business of a dealer is deemed generally more favorable for all employees concerned. Its implementation is in lieu of all company agreements on the trade arrangements (Classification and approval of the NAO, in particular) but also uses and customs affecting existing patterns of pay vendors. However, it does not affect the ARTT agreements in force in the company.

Accordingly, any premium and any supplementary payments exist today are:
- either embedded in the fixed
- either integrated into the variable, given the new criteria and elements defined variable.

This agreement allows the harmonization of compensation systems which persisted following the merger of DARTY PROVENCE MEDITERRANEAN. Accordingly, are affected by this agreement, all sellers of DARTY Provence Mediterranean existing stores to date and those who, in the future, would be attached to DARTY Provence Mediterranean.

It was agreed that the minimum wages fixed and variables are defined on a monthly 151h67 smoothed equivalent to a weekly 35 hours. The calculation of basic salary and variable bonuses to Protat takes time contract work on the basis outlined above, except for volume bonuses that are already inherently linked to Time actual work. This is particularly true for the premium section, the premium PES, PT premium, .... Etc.

It is stated that payroll is done on the results for the month ended last day of it. During a monthly meeting, the employee will be informed of their monthly results past and its future goals.

ARTICLE 2: The grid
classifications vendors DARTY PROVENCE MEDITERRANEAN is defined as follows: Position A

Level I - 2 B
Position Level I - 3
Level II Position C - 1 D
Position Level II - 2 Position
E Level II - 3

It is stated that:
· The position A is the minimum level of entry for the CDI, CDD, students, contracts of apprenticeship or professional training.
• The transition from position A to position B is done by automation within one year after maintaining maximum and validation with the manager.

It is clear that the transition from one position to another takes place after formal interview between the employee and his manager and during the annual evaluation. This passage is based on the employee's ability to implement performance criteria and skill above the position which is his.

It was agreed that the achievement of one criterion can result in a systematic way to the top position. Similarly, it is not mandatory to achieve all the criteria of the position to have access. Only the annual maintenance must be able to validate objectively the exact level of the employee.

ARTICLE 3: The gross remuneration fixed
vendors are defined as follows:

Position A Position B
382 euros 410 euros 450 euros
Position C Position D
500 euros 550 euros
Position E

ARTICLE 4: The grid
minimum wage level and step is defined in accordance with the Collective Agreement and is adjusted to each rider thereof.

The variable remuneration of the art dealer is constructed as follows:

Quota Premium (also known as Prime Objective or Envelope):
This is a monthly premium calculated on the individual achievement of a goal set by the store manager: either AC or PSE or CRT, or benefits, ... .. The quota premium is centered at 140 euros with a maximum of 200 euros.
Given the new distribution of variable annuities and a decrease of the quota premium, it was agreed that the premium items will be adjusted under the blue books for not coming downward impacts wages.

Rewards item-TLM and ELA: This is the premium paid to the seller when he sells winning a major product. It was agreed no premium award-winning article will be at zero. This premium is defined as the blue book major pieces.

Rewards item-accessories: it is the premium paid to the seller when selling a product accessory winning. It was agreed that no premium award-winning article will be at zero. This premium will be defined through the introduction of blue notebook accessories. This blue book will vary the premium section above and below the current flat percentage and then allow sellers to be better compensated when they sell the most favorable premium accessories.

Rewards PES unit Are valued according to the system currently in place and automatically according to the scale in force at national level (and already in place in all stores).

The benefits unit awards are valued using the system currently in place and automatically according to the scale in force at national level (and already in place in all stores).

Premiums credits: to compensate for opening a credit card charge at 2 € per card, provided that the level of CRT paying the seller is greater than or equal to the target store.

Sellers accessories:
It was agreed that the sellers accessories and accessories have a variable charge sitting on the board accessories and weight compared with CA CA accessories major pieces. The definition of this variable takes into account the objectives of development of AC accessories under issues of X2 and Optimum.

Sellers: GSM
The payment system vendors GSM is composed of three criteria: Ø Rewards
Articles unit
Rewards benefits unit quota premium, either volume or insurance ...

It is specified que :

· La rémunération de la prime article se fait sur la base de la prime article topée.
· La rémunération de la prime article est acquise au vendeur lorsque celui-ci intervient dans la réalisation d’une vente rattachée à Darty Pro (Le directeur du magasin s’assure de cette rémunération).
· En cas d’échange technique, la prime article reste acquise au vendeur.
· En cas d’échange commercial, la prime article n’est plus acquise au vendeur à condition que le vendeur concerné soit encore en activité sur l’entreprise.
· Dans le cadre d’une retrocession, compensation premium article under the retrocession is with the seller who made the handover and is managed directly by the Store Manager (Retail Shop The Director ensures that remuneration).

It was agreed between management DARTY Provence Mediterranean and the unions that the seller's business, its grid of classification and pay system integrates a number of missions and duties of the position. They are, notably, without this list being exhautive defined below: • Relationship

customer service and interpersonal
• Knowledge of products and services
· Sale overall: major product, accessories, services, PSE, ...
· Cashing simplified and partial sales area of credit cards and checks. It was agreed that the seller does not realize or cashing case, neither the assets nor the refund or management problem encaisement. This partial collection and requires no self-limiting, no initiative, no additional liability from the seller. In this context, it was agreed that the non-repetitive and involuntary loss of a record of a check card or could not result in disciplinary action.
· Raise price ranges and records (it is said that travel costs are borne by the company).
° keeping the radius of merchandising and cleanliness, storage, price range, labeling, tracking non-exposed ...
• Knowledge and implementation of the Agreement of Trust

ARTICLE 8: Directorate
Darty Provence and the Mediterranean signatory unions agree that this agreement does not drop coefficient for all employees concerned.

This agreement will apply from 1 June 2006 is concluded for an indefinite period. It may be terminated by either signatory parties with three months notice and by registered letter with return receipt addressed to the other signatories and in accordance with the provisions of Article 132-8 of the Labour Code.

ARTICLE 10: Any provision
modifying the contents of this document, that would be an agreement among the parties, will result in the establishment of an addendum to this Agreement.

Before its implementation, the works council will be informed and consulted on the contents of this agreement.

This agreement will be filed in quintuplicate with the Departmental Labour, Employment and Vocational Training of Marseille and a copy to the secretariat of the Labour Court of Marseille.

Manufactured in Marseille, as many copies as required by law and there are parties, April 27, 2006

for Darty Provence Mediterranean
The Human Resources Director Mr.

Madam For Mr. CFTC For the CGT / FO

Mr. Mr. For For CGT CFDT

Mr. Mr.
For the CAT to the GSC


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