The storyteller Philip Sizaire performing at Farm Equestrian Mazerolles, Saint Mars du Desert, Friday, March 26 to 20 h 30
Mr. Krizambert had mine foggy and anxious brow. It's the nagging " If we do anything, Will there soon be rather more storytellers! ... MAKE IT HAPPEN! train new storytellers! "
For the master, Krizambert was his idea, he describes the man: the skull as smooth as a billiard ball, a boil while smiling, glasses in the wind on a pair of eyes mocking defiance of life by taking it down: Philippe Sizaire
Not quite old yet, but already a master of words, he has been in school theater, mime and clown. ... He was lyricist Serge Reggiani . From traditional stories, he knits tales His image, all of humanity, of hope, of connection with others.
Max Mouchu, the villagers of Chelm ... the characters in his stories were all marched and danced there in our heads, believing they were in them, indeed it is as if we already knew, or that it was us or it could ...
All weekend, twelve interns from throughout France will learn to the art of telling around Philippe Sizaire , but to start the weekend, the narrator invites us to spend an entire evening with a smile pasted on his lips, and envy it never ends.
" In fact your story is like the movies. Unless you give us the images and it is we who are the film "
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site storyteller Philip Sizaire
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