Friday, November 6, 2009

Should I Get Black Volleyball Sneakers

11/12/2009 and 13/11 / 09 10th Biennial Book Travel

As part of the 10th Biennial Book Travel , Run for the short film offers two programs of short films on Thursday 12 and Friday, November 13 at 18:30 at Pier .

Free (limited availability).

Thursday, November 12 at 18:30: Mediterranean program

A group of people trying joining a European country illegally.

Harash (rough)
In Casablanca popular Lwiyen accumulates tricks and owes money to Omar, a corrupt cop. Assad, his childhood friend, is a drunken nihilist who dreams of his review
r Sahara chart. Assad finds a video of a rape incrimi ing son of a powerful family.

Special Jury Mention National Award and "Attention Talent" Fnac Clermont-Ferrand 2009

Through the eyes of a woman, we live the return of a young man after several years of separation. How are they connected? Why this absence? Expectation, acceptance and confrontation.

It Supplente (The deputy)
Why replacing behaves there and instead of teaching? Is he completely mad? A story of nostalgia for those people who have behavioral problems.

Prix Canal + Clermont-Ferrand 2007

Friday, November 13 at 18:30: program books naturalists

It must be, she thought, thoughtful, the forest where things have no name.

Press Award Telerama Special Jury Prize and Clermont-Ferrand Lab 2009

Reise zum Wald (Journey to the forest)
The Germanic myth Revisited forest on the poetic mode.

The Man From The Moon (The man in the moon)
life and dreams of the famous Russian explorer NN-Mikloukho Maklay, from notes and drawings from his notebooks. The Papuans, among whom he lived, took him for a man from the moon and revered as a god.

Hermann Heinzel, ornithologist
Portrait of Hermann Heinzel.

Anthony Lopez a.lopez @ clermont 73 14 73 26


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